About this site

I am a writer, public speaker and sex educator. I’ve been facilitating workshops, classes and immersive events at sex-positive communities for over three years. The connection, empowerment and self-realization I’ve seen come out of these events has fueled my passion. Women deserve opportunities to blossom as confident, sexually-empowered beings!

With lockdown, I moved to a remote model, and created a sex-positive community for women on Facebook. I’m proud to say it has grown and flourished at startling speed. The need for spaces where women can speak of their sexuality, unafraid of slut-shaming and protected from the male gaze, has become my mission.

With Facebook becoming more and more restrictive and unpredictable, it became urgent we find our own home online. Additionally, I feel called to bring this community to a much larger audience.

To that end, I created this platform. Here, we have groups, forums, discussion boards, events, classes, workshops & interactive events. It’s a congregational space where women can experience a new freedom and open discussion, in a safe, warm and supportive envelope.

Almost there!
But first...

Please be patient
with these questions.

We do this to protect the safe container we've created in
this community.